2020 Research & Writing Updates
2020 wasn’t exactly a great year for getting things done, but hey; some things got done nonetheless.
Journal Papers
- “Covariance in diurnal patterns of suicide-related expressions on Twitter and recorded suicide deaths” (with Jeremy Boo and Michiko Ueda), in Social Science & Medicine.
(What’s interesting about it: there’s a surprising lack of clarity about whether people making suicidal statements on social media is actually connected in any way to suicide deaths – some people think it’s an obvious link, others think talk like that on social media is just casual or attention-seeking. We took a five-year sample of Twitter data and suicide death records and showed that with a small time lag, the hour-by-hour pattern of suicide deaths was indeed correlated to the traffic on Twitter regarding suicidal ideation.) - “COVID-19, digital privacy, and the social limits on data-focused public health responses” (with Airo Hino), in International Journal of Information Management.
(What’s interesting about it: this was a really early attempt to untangle some of the issues surrounding the use of digital tracking and contact tracing tools for managing the COVID-19 pandemic. It touches on a few different issues ranging from privacy concerns (and how being cavalier about those concerns could sink the whole digital side of the pandemic response – which, in the end, it did in many countries) to the path-dependency created by the dominance of tech giants.
Book Chapters
- “Sentiment Analysis and Social Media” (with Luigi Curini), in The Sage Handbook of Research Methods in Political Science and International Relations.
Book Reviews
- 「図書紹介:『内容分析の進め方 ーメディア・メッセージを読み解く』」、日本世論調査協会報「よろん」、126号、52−54. (“Book Review: ‘Analyzing Media Messages: Using Quantitative Content Analysis in Research'”, YORON: Journal of the Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research, Vol. 126, pp.52-54)
Conference Papers / Presentations
- “From Filter Bubble to Social Divide: Social Polarisation in Europe and Japan” (with Stefano Camatarri), APSA General Meeting 2020
- “Belief in Conspiracy Theories and Socio-Political Identity in Japan” (with Airo Hino, Stefano Camatarri and Sebastian Jungkunz), APSA General Meeting 2020.
- 「日本におけるポピュリズムと陰謀論の信念」、日本世論調査協会研究大会。(“Populism and Belief in Conspiracy Theories in Japan”, at the Japanese Association for Public Opinion Research (JAPOR) Annual Research Meeting.)
Editorials / Articles
- “Time to Give Japan Credit for its COVID-19 Response” (with Paul Nadeau), Tokyo Review
- “Abe Shinzo Enters the Polling Danger Zone“, Tokyo Review
- “Tokyo’s 2020 Election Devolves into Circus“, Tokyo Review